Monday, July 1, 2019



We are so excited to have the outreach opportunity to introduce Taiwanese culture as part of the AsiaFest event hosted by the Asia Society Texas Center. Given it is a family-oriented occasion, we decided to focus on a few traditional children’s games & toys. The games we choose to demonstrate are: “Taiwanese Pinball” (彈珠檯), “Hacky-Sack” (沙包), “Dough Figurines” (捏麵人), “Jianzi” (毽子), and “Whipping top” (陀螺).
Our table got very busy as soon as they opened the door. While the kids enjoyed the Pinball and Dough Figurines making, the parents challenged themselves with Scorpion and Hacky-Sack. In addition, they can take home with the dough figurines they made and some cute stickers from Taiwan. We also had a chance to speak to some guests to promote our community center to potential members.
The Taiwanese Indigenous “Flash Mob Dance” led by Flora was a blockbuster and attracted lots of attention. The dancers dressed up with traditional customs from four different tribes - 葛瑪蘭族 (Kavalan), 阿美族(Amis), 卑南族(Puyuma), 鄒族(Tsou) automatically became the highlight of the stage. Many guests joined the dancers and embraced the rhythm.
The Asia Society estimated there were over 4,000 attendees at the event. Our booth was no doubt one of the most popular among all.  Big thanks to all the volunteers who help all the kids have a good time and presented our country in such a fun way.
Volunteers:  Jeff Wu, Evelyn Hsu, Flora, Steven, Shirley, Lina Huang, Rachel Wu, James, Katherine, Helena Cheng, John Adams, Le Kheng, Tiffany, James Hwang.

活動中心因為大廰場地的關係,最近乒乓球桌有過剰的現象,要開始把兩張比較老舊的球桌公開的讓給有興趣的同鄕們。其實這兩張桌子桌面還很新,且彈性還很不錯,我們對於有興趣的同鄉們請大家來投標,最後由最高標者獲得,請大家告訴大家。兩張桌子都是名牌 STIGA,也是以前都用來當國際比賽用,編號為 #2和 #3。( 如附上照片)我們將於 7/1/2019 刋在七月份基金會電子報,接受標價 ( #2桌最低標價為美金 $200元起,而#3桌最低標價為美金$225元起)。自 7/1/19 開始 至 7/18/19 下午五點到活動中心關門為止,然後於7/19/19(星期五) 下午二時在中心, 經由三人在現場見證下,開標由最高標的人獲得。得主請在 7/20/19(星期六)或 7/21/19(星期日)繳交標價 cash,自行用車搬離活動中心。詳細情形及內容請到活動中心櫃台問經理Jane 或洪先生,電話 713-271-5885 謝謝!


1. 義賣: Katrina 、Jessica Liao、Helena、Helen、琇莉 2. 立蛋:News、Irene 、Meng、Amiel 3. 包粽子老師:小k的媽媽(黃瑾瑜)、美瑢的媽媽、Irene的媽媽(林惠鶯)、小k、喻婷 4. 招待:James、Tiffany 5. 照相:Daniel 6. Raffle ticket: 麗卿 7. 支援:美瑢、秋蓉 8.機動: 明忠、俊人、Ariel、裴士佐,謝謝! (活動照片)

7/7 (日)基金會young professional workout club 正式成立,歡迎想健身、運動者參加,活動時間每星期日早上9:30-11:00,有興趣者請向TCC櫃台報名,電話713-271-5885。


心肺復甦 - 林錦燦
處處驚奇的荷蘭 - 雅夫子
曾經 - 蔡淑媛
螞蟻與蜜蜂 - 江朝雄
我的手錶 - 吳連山
【六月份一日遊】 San Jacinto Monument - 宋明綉



時間︰7月20日 晚上 7點到10點
地點︰台灣人活動中心 (5885 Point West Dr., 77036)
內容:  台灣人傳統基金會 (THSH) 邀請大家一起來玩桌遊 :)
> Deep Sea Adverture 深海探險
> Skull
> Kakerlaken Poker 德國蟑螂
> Codenames 機密代號
> Telestrations
> Dixit 說書人
> Carcassonne 卡卡頌
> Werewords
> 金魚撈撈
> Saboteur 矮人礦坑
> Spyfall 間諜危機
> Casa Grande
> 鋼鐵與火藥
> Isle of Skye
> Camel Up
.... 等等

【台灣人在休士頓Facebook Group 版聚】
時間:  7月27日(星期六) 中午12:00到下午3:00
內容: 台灣人在休士頓Facebook Group 版聚,邀請大家一起來吃飯認識新朋友!請至櫃檯報名參加,每人$10。

時間︰8月11日 (星期日) 下午 3點到5點
地點︰台灣人活動中心 (5885 Point West Dr., 77036)
內容:   基金會將邀請胡明祥先生來演講 「復興台灣語文魂」,備有簡單茶點。


【六月份一日遊】 San Jacinto Monument
在休士頓住了三十多年,卻一直沒機會去San Jacinto Monument,主要是因為兒女小時就由學校帶去參觀了,不勞父母帶領,也因此沒用心去了解德州歷史。此次把握機會趕上了這次的一日遊。雖然Sam Houston Boat Tour 因為船隻臨時必須修理而取消,改去Kemah 逍遙遊,大家還是十分愉快,共享同遊的樂趣,也吃了一餐美味豐富的buffet 午餐。這次的一日遊,我並没有因為沒坐船而覺得失望,因為San Jacinto Monument 很值得一遊。
此紀念碑高達570英呎,是世界上最高的戰爭紀念碑,比華盛頓紀念碑還高15英呎。它的建立是為了紀念所有為德州獨立而奮戰的英雄。San Jacinto 戰役發生於1836,而在1890州政府拿到撥款開始買地籌劃此紀念碑,而在戰役一百週年1936才開工建造,於1939 完工開放參觀。此紀念碑是美國歷史建築工程的一個典範,底層是博物館,佔地四邊各125英呎,展覧德州歷史事件文物。此碑看似四方形,實則四邊有切角而成八方形,非常壯觀而不單調。碑座四邊各48英呎,碑尖四邊各19英呎,上面落坐德州孤星,是220噸重的星形大物,由石塊鋼鐵及水泥造成,是非常艱鉅的工程,所幸無人爲此傷亡。
紀念碑石階及廣場前巨大長形水池,都增加了它的氣魄,Six Flags 六支旗子飄揚,更標榜了德州特別的歷史,Spain, France, Mexico, Republic of Texas, United States of America, Confederate States of America 這六國都曾統治過德克薩斯這塊土地。法國只是短暫佔領,西班牙則長達三百年,直到1821墨西哥獨立成功才退出,而由墨西哥接管。墨西哥總督獨裁統治造成居民反抗,展開德州獨立戰爭,1836德州共和國成立,而於1845加入美國聯邦政府,但於1861脫離聯邦,加入南方州同盟引發南北戰爭,1865南方失敗,德州才再度加入美國聯邦......(閱讀全文)(宋明綉報導)


T. A. Archives (台美史料中心)

July 2019 issue NO. 51

• Summer Conferences of Taiwanese American Organizations:
Now is our Summer conference season. TAC/East Coast will celebrate its 50 consecutive years without interruption and other conferences have about 40 years too.
T. A. Archives has been collecting information and artifacts of all conferences and posted on its website.
We are also arranging that information into three books . Please help us collect as many information and artifacts as possible.
• Outstanding Taiwanese Americans (O. T. A.):
The Selection Committee of T. A. Archives, consisting of 15 members throughout the U. S. has selected 299 O. T. A. after one year of hard work and posted on its websites.
# 300 is waiting for you to be included in it.
We have achieved our first targeted number: 300. We also prepared the book of O. T. A. and posted on the website ( # 6 in the Series Book of T. A. History).
• Series Book of T. A. History(台美人歷史叢書):
We have added a few more subjects. Total number is 12 books now as shown below .We have posted the collected information on “ Encyclopedia” section of the website for your review.
1. The Taiwanese Americans (台美族)
2. Our Journeys (咱的故事)
3. My Stories (我的故事)
4. Taiwanese Americans Organizations(台美人團體)
5. Publications of Books, Magazines & Newsletter ( Paper Form) by Taiwanese American Individuals & Organizations(台美個人及團體印刷岀版的書籍、雜誌與通訊)
6. Outstanding Taiwanese Americans(傑出台美人)
7. Summer Conferences and Camps by Taiwanese American Organization – East Coast(台美團體主辦的美東夏令會)
8. Summer Conferences and Camps by Taiwanese American Organization – South East and South(台美團體主辦的美東南及美南夏令會)
9. Summer Conferences and Camps by Taiwanese American Organization – Midwest, West Coast and Others(台美團體主辦的美中西部、美西及其他夏令會)
10. Music Concerts and Musicians(音樂會及音樂家)
11. Reach Out Projects by Taiwanese American Organizations and Individuals(台美人及團體主辦聯結美國主流社會的活動)
12. Art Shows and Artists(畫展及畫家)
We are contiuuingly working on each book. Please let us know if you can help.
• Collection of T. A. Newspapers (Paper Form):
We have a complete collections of “Taiwan Tribune” and” New Asia Weekly”. We are actively
collecting other newspapers, like Taiwan Daily, Liberty Times/East Coast, Pacific Times, etc..
Please let us know if you have some T. A. newspapers to donate to us.
• Corrections for the information on T. A. Archives’ Website:
Recently, an officer from Pentigon wrote us about one mistake on our website with a correct
document. We immediately corrected the mistake and thanked him. Please let us know if you
find any mistake in the posted information on our website.
• Summer Jobs:
Two students are working for us this summer. This is also good for them to know our history.
• Progress in June 2019:
We collected 108 new entries in June. Total number of new entries is 8675.
• Job Openings:
We are looking for one full-time and/or part-time office clerks to work in our Irvine/CA
office. Please send your resume to the following email address:
E-mail Address:






休士頓台灣同鄉會 敬邀

• 活動日期:7月5日(五)-  7月7日(日)
• 報名費用:成人$205;學生或18歲以下$135;小朋友5歲以下免費
• 早鳥 Early Bird(6/2之前報名): $20 Discount
• 活動地點:Westchase Hilton Hotel
• 活動地址:9999 Westheimer Rd, Houston, TX 77042  (TEL:713-974-1000)
• 報名及訂房資訊:
• 房間價格:每晚$99加稅(含隔日早餐、免費停車、Free Wi-Fi)

Date & Time: 7/5/2019 (Fri) 7:00 pm
Location: Hilton Houston Westchase
Address: 9999 Westheimer Rd, Houston, TX, 77036
Ticket price: 單一票價 $10元/人


Contact: 休士頓台灣同鄉會 (713) 981-8787 or

6:30 pm  入場(現場付款,接受支票與現金)
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm 電影放映


Most of communications are about sharing thoughts and experiences and often led to sell a concept, idea, even a product.  In Toastmaster training, there are plenty of opportunities to sharpen your sales pitch and persuasion skill.  To effectively organized a sales pitch or proposal, Toastmaster suggests to use the “inverted pyramid” approach, which gives an audience the most important information in the first few sentences (how much money might be saved, how lives might be improved, etc.).
Follow by supporting claims with logic and evidence, and end with a call to action.  Use visual aids, such as charts or slides, to help clarify any sales pitch or proposal. Make sure the visual aids can be seen by every person in the audience, and limit each chart or slide to a single main point.  Offer a Q&A which can supply you with valuable feedback about the effectiveness of the pitch. It also gives an audience the opportunity to further clarify specific points or data that was presented.
For June meetings, we focus on swallowing “So” word, it can be eliminated without affecting the meaning of the whole sentence.  By swallowing “so”, your speaking will be much smoother.  Here are the highlight of June meetings:
On June 3rd, Nam emphasized the benefits of mentoring and Helen showed us how to say “No” graciously.  Table topic master Patrick gave us fun questions on vacation.  We had a rad meeting on June 10!  We got to learn about our newest member, Linda, as she gave her icebreaker and shared her story and dreams.  Kevin gave his foolproof tips on picking the best watermelon to beat the tenacious heat of summer.   Phil led a fun topic session on the dog days of summer.  Crazy to think summer hasn't even officially started yet.
On June 17, Sherry talked about leadership styles, Stephen told us how he was welcomed to the world by different name calling at various cities.  Helen led a discussion on Social Media.  On June 24, Sunny gave us 2 proposals on July 13th group outing.  Carol gave a last minute speech, she shared her visit to San Jacinto Monument, and taught us the history of Texas.  Kevin conducted table topic with several current and future issues, it was an interesting session.  We had a HPD officer,  Alex, visited us and he won the title of best topic speaker for the night.

**** We meet on every Monday 7:30pm at Taiwanese Center.  Check us out online at on Facebook @TACLtoastmasters or


日期:2019年7月6日(星期六) 下午2時半至下午4時半
地點:台灣人活動中心(5885 Point West, Tel: 713-271-5885)
講員:  長春會邀請到陳正德醫師來為我們演講; 他這次的講題是 “老年人常犯的疾病? 平常應該如何注意保養呢?” 這題目應該對於會員們非常切身的問題,希望大家踴躍參加。

長春會 - 2019年6月份和2019年7月份的月會活動報導:
  1. 長春會六月份的月會已於 6/1/2019 (星期六) 2:30pm - 4:30pm 於活動中心舉辦完成。長春會很榮幸邀請到現任台灣人傳統基金會理事長徐秋蓉女士來為大家做第二次的演講; 她的講題是 “原始點療法” 心得分享。在這次演講,她就自己幾年來接觸原始點療法,依據親身體驗,綜合了下列的”五寶”心得,並和會員們分享 :1. 按推 2. 內外熱源 3. 運動 4. 充分的休息 5. 良好的心情和心態。如果每個人心中都有這”五寶”而且都實際付出行動,那麼身體一定會恢復健康愉快的。最後,她也分享她親身經驗,她如何治療頭痛和過敏性皮膚炎的方法。會員們都感覺非常實際寶貴,也感謝她能夠分享她的經驗談,聽衆都覺得欲罷不能,每個人都獲益匪淺的。

  2. 長春會七月份的月㑹,訂於 7/6/2019 (星期六) 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm 於台灣人活動中心舉辦。我們已經邀請到陳正德醫師來為大家演講;這次他的題目是 “老年人常常犯的疾病及要如何來預防控制這些疾病呢?” 這個題目和每個人都非常切身相關,請大家多多支持並踴躍參加。


  1. 台灣人活動中心屋頂翻修工程於 4/20/2019在辦完了 TaiwanYes 之後,緊接著就如火如荼的展開了。因為老天爺保佑,在天氣非常晴朗的情況下, 非常順暢的完成了。5/11/2019(星期五) 我們(徐秋蓉理事長、王吉盛先生還有柯志佳主任)約定黃老闆在 7:00 pm,爬到屋頂對新做好的屋頂做最後的 walk through 檢驗工程完工後的實際情況,有得到下列四項共識:  a. 切除不需要的一個 antenna 管子 b. 在中心前面大門進口處上面的屋頂,每三尺左右有釘子搓破的痕跡,約有 25’ 的長度,黃老闆答應要完全改進完善 c. 三個排水系統上面的蓋子,黃老闆要重新設計能夠完全 lock 住,並且需要時能夠打開清理 debris 的鐵蓋子 d. 原來在屋頂上有幾個生鏽的蓋子,黃老闆也答應要把這部分清除乾淨。6/12/2019(星期三)在 11:00 am,黃老闆、王吉盛先生和柯志佳主任三人,再上屋頂檢查是否上述四項工程已經完成。結論是四項中的三項已經照單執行完畢,只有C項,黃老闆沒有把三個 doom shapes 的鐵蓋子重新安裝,仍然是塑膠材質的蓋子,目前正和黄老闆溝通協調,希望能夠圓滿解決排水管問題。
  2. 基金會前面櫃台的 surveillance camera system 已經老舊而且有些故障,為了能夠繼續不斷的錄製記載外,且為了安全的考量,我們考慮要換全新的 system。我們很榮幸的拜託基金會前任理事長蕭文源先生和台語學校科技組委員王凱平先生,他們願意幫助基金會尋求把這個 system更新的方案。希望能夠很快的把這新的 system 建立起來,請耐心的等待。活動中心有一群義工們,都是默默的付出,相信不久的將來,我們就會有全新的 surveillance camera system。
  3. 基金會非常感謝老同鄕何明勲先生捐贈活動中心 36 隻日光燈管子,在此一併致謝!
  4. 活動中心因為大廰場地的關係,最近乒乓球桌有過剰的現象,要開始把兩張比較老舊的球桌公開的讓給有興趣的同鄕們。其實這兩張桌子桌面還很新,且彈性還很不錯,我們對於有興趣的同鄉們請大家來投標,最後由最高標者獲得,請大家告訴大家。兩張桌子都是名牌 STIGA,也是以前都用來當國際比賽用,編號為 #2和 #3。( 如附上照片)我們將於 7/1/2019 刋在七月份基金會電子報,接受標價 ( #2桌最低標價為美金 $200元起,而#3桌最低標價為美金$225元起)。自 7/1/19 開始 至 7/18/19 下午五點到活動中心關門為止,然後於7/19/19(星期五) 下午二時在中心, 經由三人在現場見證下,開標由最高標的人獲得。得主請在 7/20/19(星期六)或 7/21/19(星期日)繳交標價 cash,自行用車搬離活動中心。詳細情形及內容請到活動中心櫃台問經理Jane 或洪先生,電話 713-271-5885 謝謝!


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