Wednesday, May 1, 2019



The highly anticipated annual “Taiwanese Culture & Art Fair” happened on Easter Saturday 20th of April. In contrast to “Taiwan Yes Festival”, which is focused on food, we have a lot more emphasis on culture and art activities.
Proven successes from the previous year such as Taiwanese Hacky Sacks, Dough Figurines, and Paper Umbrella Painting were in high demand and all the parents enjoyed watching their kids having fun through authentic Taiwanese hands-on experiences.  The photo booth provided great opportunity for the visitors to appear in Taiwanese Indigenous costumes and posing in front of Taipei 101 backdrop. On top of these fun activities, we added a “Paper Cutting” booth with options of a cute “Year of the Pig” figure or traditional “Spring” shapes.
A Taiwan Special booth about Taiwan highlighted information from our evening at the Houston Museum of Natural Science in February. We believe it is important to make it available for our members who had missed the event and offer a rare opportunity for the general public to get to know different aspects of Taiwan.
The Taiwanese Puppet Show released a brand-new program called “Aunt Tigress”.  Popular as always, kids and parents filled up all the seats and enjoyed three performances.
Moving on to the next room, we had Spence Lee in charge of the calligraphy. Everyone was so impressive with his skills and gained more appreciation for this unique art which takes years to develop.
Then along the hallway wall was a fascinating exhibit of Early Hakka Life in Taiwan (circa 1950).
At the charity sales booth, the ocarina became one of the best-selling items with the help from four TYS volunteers who demonstrated the instrument on the spot. Taiwanese cook books were also popular. People also showed great interest in the traditional painted oil-paper umbrella from one of our Hakka villages.
This year we are honored to be part of a charity program sponsored by Sharpstown Library and have invited 20 Muslim refugee children to enjoy the art activities at the center. They had a good time and learned a little more about our country.
A great diversity of participants reflecting the Greater Houston community joined us this year as a result of wider publicity in culture-oriented social media such as Yelp, Culture Map, and the Asia Society.
Last but not least, we are delighted to be invited to join “AsiaFest” at the Asia Society Texas Center on May 11. A few selected activities will be presented to a broader audience. It’s an exciting and encouraging opportunity for anyone to help this happen!
We’d like to give a big thanks to every volunteer who helped in this event, including many TYS from the school.

  1. 捏麵人(Dough Figurines:James、小k,TYS- Sally Huang(pm)、Nathan Fan(pm)
  2. Photo booth: 秋蓉、黃會川、Katrina Lau
  3. 沙包(Taiwanese Hacky Sacks):秀英、宜珍、John、Jessica Liao
  4. 台灣主題(Taiwan Special):美苓、Vicky、Mark Lin、佩雯(pm) 、Jeff(am)
  5. 招待(Reception): Christine Ward 、Evelyn Fearon (TYS)
  6. 書法(Calligraphy):Spencer 、Jane(am)、Jeff(pm)
  7. 義賣(Charity Sales):Helena、Ann、Sue、TYS- Celiac H. (Am)、Sally H. (Am)、Natalia H.(pm)
  8. 紙傘(Oil painting Paper Umbrella): 美瑢、麗卿、Teresa 、TYS-Nathan Fan(am)、Celiac H(pm)
  9. 剪紙(Paper Cutting): 詠詠、Daniel Hsieh、Tiffany Hsueh、冠潔(Julia Kwan)、TYS- Brianna Fearon
  10. 布袋戲(Puppet Show):琇莉、文源、方俊人、TYS-Stephanie Chou, Raymond Chou, Natania Hsyung
  11. 售票處(Ticket Booth):Helen、芬蘭、Wilbur
  12. 照相(photographer):美慈


我之前服務於投資銀行,又曾在紐約及倫敦工作過 ◦ 2014年遷居至休士頓,目前也是專業品酒講師 ◦ 幾年前從我先生開始在活動中心上中文課,我開始一點一點接觸這個團體。透過一次又一次地參與活動中心的志工活動,我了解到雖然個人的能力有限,但是只要每個人都付出自己的一分心力就會讓這個中心變得更好。

從克里夫蘭開始搬來搬去又回到休士頓已超過30幾年,每到一個地方最容易認識鄉親的地方就是台灣同鄉會。 搬回休士頓第一首選就是找台灣人聚集的地方, 去年跟秋蓉認識後,就東奔西忙,今年被她看上繼續當忙人。沒甚麼大志願,希望大家快樂平安做個歡喜的志工。

謝謝大家關心中心的屋頂!我們的屋頂因過度陳舊,經常漏水並且無法修復,需要整個汰換,基金會理事會決議換新,日前已於4月25日開始進行汰換工程,預計5月1號完工,然後5月2號驗收。汰換屋頂的範圍13,512 SQ.FT. 所用材料主要為Carlisle TPO/ 60 ml thick membrane 及Recover Board- 1” ISO insulation,估計汰換費用為$65,803.44。在施工當中我們很謝謝同鄉王吉盛先生幫忙監工,讓屋頂工程可以順利完工。感謝大家出錢出力投入,中心才有一個新的屋頂。(工程相片)

時間:5/11/2019 11:00am-5:00pm
地點:Asia Society Texas (1370 Southmore Blvd. Houston, TX 77004)
Asia Society每年都在五月亞太傳統月舉辦AsiaFest,慶祝亞太地區多元文化,此活動包括亞太地區小吃、手工藝、表演及藝術,免費開放給大眾參加,今年基金會將以台灣童玩活動為主題,讓來參加活動的小孩大人都能夠玩童玩認識台灣及其文化藝術。我們的攤位將提供創意捏麵人、台灣彈珠台遊戲、教導玩沙包、竹蟬、陀螺,當然還有台灣地理及歷史展覽。歡迎大家一起來參加AsiaFest,推展台灣的童玩及文化藝術!


我的半個模特兒學生 - 蔡淑媛
生死 - 林錦燦
鄉野的冤魂  - 江朝雄
重量級的母親 - 宋明綉
巴黎聖母院蒙難記 - 雅夫子
幽默機器人 - 林錦燦


【五月份一日遊】Spindletop 油井、聖安東尼大教堂、Buu Mon 佛寺蓮花池
時間:  5月28日(星期二) 早上7:45報到;8:00出發
內容:  五月份的一日遊,將和大家一起探訪德州石油發展史上最重要的的一口井:Spindletop。這口井的發現揭開了德州石油探勘的序幕,也改變了二十世紀初期原本恬靜風貌的Beaumont 。目前德州每天生產四百五十萬桶的石油,佔全美國百分之四十的總產量。除了拜訪 Spindletop-Gladys City Boomtown Museum 之外,我們也會參觀在Beaumont有 ”The Little Vatican of Texas”之稱的 St. Anthony Cathedral Basilica,這座天主教堂的建立和 Spindletop 的發現有緊密的關係。蓮花聖潔又高雅, 此行我們也將到Buu Mon Buddhist Temple & Lotus Garden,讓大家體驗一下 Port Arthur Annual Lotus Festival 的盛況。
費用: $25 for member & $35 for non-member, 包括午餐和門票。 (線上報名)


【台灣語文學校經典烹飪課系列】- 芋籤糕
台灣語文學校很榮幸在4/27/2019 再度邀請到休士頓台灣基督長老教會的林淑美(Shu Mei Wei)女士來教導學員們做這次在TaiwanYes熱賣並在臉書美食團瘋傳的芋籤糕。長老教會的芋籤糕料好實在又有阿嬤的味道,甚至有人跑到臉書美食團詢問有沒有團購。林老師本著不藏私的精神在台語學校的烹飪班傾囊相授,不但如此每次上課都還帶她的招牌小菜和自種的水果給學員品嘗。

【四月份一日遊】Lavaca Historical Museum , Shiner beer工廠及Lavaca County Seat Court House鳥
台灣人活動中心四月份一日遊於2019年4月24日走訪三個景點:1) 位於 Hallestsville 的 Lavaca County Historical Museum, 2) 在 Shiner 小城的啤酒廠,3) 郡城的 Court House。
早晨八點多從活動中心出發,約一小時司機在麥當勞讓我們休息買咖啡。這位司機是越南人,Min, 第一次為我們服務。Hallestsville 位於休斯頓及聖安東尼之間,十號公路以南的小城,離休斯頓約兩小時,是Lavaca County 的郡府法院所在地, 人口只有兩千多人,整個 County 人口也不到兩萬,大多是德國及捷克的後裔。歷史博物館雖然不大但是擺設齊全,收集了從1846年設郡之後移民開墾生活的記錄。 十九世紀的交通工具,生活狀況牛仔馬鞍,診所藥店等活生生擺在眼前,非常寶貴。最奇特的是頭髮編織的飾物,及給留長鬍子的男性特用的茶杯,杯口多了讓鬍子跨放的杯延,以避免茶水濕露了鬍子。又縫七年級生的野花作業展示,耀眼奪目,吸引同鄉不停的拍攝。想起在台灣上小學中學從來沒去採集野花也不知道台灣的土地有什麼花,真是不夠接地氣!
隨後即前往西邊車程20分的 Shiner小城吃中飯。在用完餐時,另一部 Harris County 的senior bus 也來到此小城唯一的自助餐廳,好在我們的行程安排較早,不然小城的餐廳哪容納兩部車的人!飯後去酒廠試飲啤酒,每人可喝四杯不同口味的啤酒,德州製造的德國啤酒確實與眾不同。又有專人帶領參觀啤酒製造廠,即使突然下起雨來,也沖不掉臉上的歡心。
最後一個景點又回到 Halletsville 參觀列為古蹟的 Courthouse. 此歷史建築於1897年建造,建材皆以鐵路運來,外觀與位於波士頓的一座教堂類似,古色古香優美壯觀,裡面的地板瓷磚樓梯雕刻亦是古典精緻。 中途還煩請司機停留德國臘腸豬腳店,一群人下車把豬腳和臘腸一掃而空。
郡府法官辦公室的秘書特地安排一位年長義工來介紹,不但送我們美麗的明信片及旅遊指南還帶我們進入法院禁區,深度遊覽,介紹了閒人走馬看花觀看不到的特景。民風純樸的小城,法院各個門都敞開沒有警衛,這在都會區的哈理斯郡是不可能看到的。我們這群人進入資料庫打擾人上班工作,亦受到郡府人員的友善及包容。這位志工年輕時參與過韓戰,現在是郡府的義工,明信片上 Courthouse 的聖誕燈裝飾是他和夥伴們爬上爬下合力完成的。法院正牆上掛著四個紀念牌,分別是此地鄉民參與一次大戰、二次大戰、韓戰及越戰犧牲者的姓名。二十世紀的美國小城男孩從軍,為世界人民的自由,為維護正義而勇往直前的精神,真令人尊敬且感動,雖然戰場不在美國,但美國本土卻受到極大的衝擊。


T. A. Archives (台美史料中心)

May 2019 issue NO. 49

Video of First Generation Immigration Stories (English Version):
The link below is a video for our young generations to know the life stories of the First Generation. Please encourage your children and grandchildren to view it:
Please let us know your comments and suggestions if any, so we can make it better.

T. A. History Book Series (台美人歷史叢書): Outstanding Taiwanese Americans (OTA):
We selected 283 OTA and posted on our website and in the first draft of a
Book “Outstanding Taiwanese Americans”.

T. A. History Book Series (台美人歷史叢書): Summer Conferences by T. A. Organizations:
In the past 5 decades, seven major summer conferences have been run by various T. A. organizations in the U. S.. TAC/East Coast will celebrate its 50th Anniversary in 2019. The summer conference by T. A. organizations is one of the very important events in T. A. history. We have been collecting related information and posted on our website.
We would like to prepare a book about this subject starting with the use of our collected information. Program books, articles, photos and souvenirs of all summer conferences will be included in this book. Please help by providing us with related information about the summer conference, if you have.

T. A. History Book Series(台美人歷史叢書):
The first drafts of following 5 books for T. A. history series have been completed and posted on the “ Encyclopedia” section of T. A. Archives’ website for your comments and suggestions. We will continue to update these books:
1. Our Journeys
2. My Stories
3. Outstanding Taiwanese Americans
4. Publications of Books/Magazines/Newsletters by TA Individuals/Organizations
5. T. A. Organizations

Portrait Paintings of Outstanding T. A. Collected in April:

Progress in April 2019:
We collected 36 new entries in April. The total number of entries is 8525.

Job Openings:
We are looking for one full-time and few part-time office clerks to work in our Irvine/CA office and at your home office. Please send your resume to the flowing email address:

Ever felt tongue tight with public speech or presentation?  Have stage fright? Wish to improve your communication or leadership skills?  Desire to enjoy good friendship and having fun learning together?  If answers to these questions are yes, then TACL Toastmasters Club will be a good place to kick-start!
Giving out a speech is one good way to learn about delivering an effective presentation; it is one vital part in our weekly meeting.  Speakers learned to organize their ideas, good use of visual aid, body language, and vocal variety…etc to present information or ideas to the club members, and club members in turn will practice “active listening” through evaluation process.
Just like any other meetings, we had heard many good speech topics this month, like Kevin talked about “Recycling” on April 1st, it turns out that we actually may have misconception about the recycling process and may even unintentionally contaminated the whole batch by Putting the wrong materials into the recycling bin.
Sometimes we may have visitors from other Toastmasters Club came to give a speech; actually, this is one good way to gain experiences speaking in different setting or to get evaluations from different groups of people.  On April 22nd, we are honored to have Andy Rennie, contestant of the reginal final of the International Speech Competition, a member of Talking Bull Toastmasters Club, to be our guest speaker that night.  Andy is really a good and experienced story teller, you can see that he really draws everyone’s full attention.  His speech title is “Find your Oliver”, using the story of their dog Oliver to bring out a lesson learned, which is the changing of our attitude could improve the relationship we have with others.
There are different duty roles during a meeting and each role serves their own purpose.  Each member learned different sets of skills while serving these roles.  On April 22nd, Helen has her first debut serving as the Toastmaster who acts as the host or facilitator of the meeting.  Although she was still a little uneasy; however, she thinks it’s good that she still got space for improvement.
This Toastmaster Club is really a friendly place where you can freely express yourself.  Welcome to visit us!

**** We meet on every Monday 7:30pm at Taiwanese Center.  Check us out online at on Facebook @TACLtoastmasters or

日期:2019年05月04日(星期六) 下午2時半至下午4時半
地點:台灣人活動中心(5885 Point West, Tel: 713-271-5885)
內容:  我們將舉辦慶祝母(父)親節的聯歡會,請踴躍參加。

台灣聞名國際的拼布大師劉棟老師,4/18-6/9 在德州拼布博物館展覽◦  這是介於休士頓跟奧斯丁中間的小鎮,有很多景點,請大家先確認開放時間,週四、五、六,有優惠團體及長輩票。請大家多多支持台灣民間高手的國民外交。


  1. 4月20 日的Taiwanese Culture and Arts Fair和TaiwanYes如往年一樣非常成功,當日吸引許多的人來中心參與這兩個活動,也感謝所有志工的辛勞及幫忙,尤其是頂著太陽幫忙指揮交通的志工。
  2. 台灣人活動中心屋頂翻修工程, 在辦完了 4月20 日的Taiwanese Festival 之後, JH Roofing已於4月25 日開始施工換屋頂 ◦  因為老天爺保佑, 天氣非常好,也預報這幾天都不會下雨,所以屋頂翻修工程公司黃老閭就加一倍所需要的人力,也加長工作的時間,目的就是要把握住這個最好的機會, 趕快把工程以最快速度很完善的完成,如此我們有了全新的屋頂 ◦  對於一下雨, 就要很苦惱的要用水桶到處去接那漏水的痛苦經驗都可拋諸腦後了◦  預定五月的第一個星期, 將順利完成台灣人活動中心屋頂的全面翻修工程了◦


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