2017 休士頓台灣人傳統基金會年度募款餐會 - 2017 THSH Fundraising Event

11/11/2017 03:30 PM - 08:00 PM CT


Taiwanese Community Center
5885 Point West
Houston, TX 77036
United States of America
Room Number: Grand Hall


English  中文

2017 台灣人傳統基金會年度募款餐會




募款餐券計分$50, $100, $200, $500, $1000和特別贊助等六種,報名和捐款方式如下(報名截止日期10/24/17):

1. 請線上報名

2. 收到基金會的募款信後,請填上參加人數,是否素食,和支票放入回郵信封寄回基金會,支票抬頭為 THSH。

3. email THSH@houston-taiwanese.org報名,參加人數,是否素食,捐款數額,晚會當天櫃檯繳錢。

4. 和以前一樣可以向基金會理事、幫忙推銷義工、或活動中心經理洽購。

5. 學生免費優待,請email報名,註明學生。

依循往例,贊助千元以上者,將列出大名,永誌於活動中心。還有您的捐款可以免稅,在收到捐款後電子收據馬上由email送出以便您報所得稅之需,如需紙本收據,請到櫃台領取。假如您任職的公司有Matching Fund Program的話,希望您向公司申請,您的公司也將會捐款給基金會,這樣您的捐款可達到雙倍效果。


理事長 蕭文源 敬上 

Rediscover the Purpose and Action Plan for Taiwan's Participation in Global Health 

November 11th this year, the Heritage Society is happy to announce Dr. Dau-Yaung Lu as our primary speaker. Dr. Lu was formally a member of the Pintung Christian Hospital medical corps. Before Taiwan broke off formal relations with Malawi, he served in Africa. Dr. Lu is also the former overseas liaison for the International Medical Corps, former health commissioner in Africa (Malawi and Swaziland), and former Taitung Health Bureau director.
At this year’s fundraising dinner, Dr. Lu’s topic of discussion is “Rediscover the purpose and action plan for Taiwan's Participation in Global Health”. This will be a forum of global vision with humanitarian care, so don’t miss this opportunity!

Donations for the fundraising event can be made in $50, $100, $200, $500, $1000, or any amount of your choosing. Registration deadline is 11/4/17.  Here are different avenues to register and pledge:
1. Register and pledge online.
2. Upon receiving the THSH fundraising letter, fill in the number of attendees and meal preferences and send in your donation with a check payable to THSH in the self-addressed envelope enclosed in the letter.
3. Register at THSH@houston-taiwanese.org and specify the number of attendees, meal preferences, and donation amount. Turn in your donation to the front desk on the fundraising night.
4. Make your pledge to THSH board members, volunteers, or TCC manager.
5. Free admission for students. Please register at THSH@houston-taiwanese.org and identify yourself as "Student."
Following a long tradition, the names of those who donate $1,000 or more will grace the wall of the grand hallway at the Taiwanese Community Center (TCC).  Also, your donation is tax-deductible and once submitted, an electronic receipt will be sent to you for your tax filing needs. For paper receipts, please ask at the front desk.  If your employer provides matching funds, please use your benefit to double your donation.  On behalf of THSH, we thank you for your participation and contribution.
Wen-Yuan Hsiao
Chairman of the Board